Srivaddhanaprabha, who took over leadership of the club in 2010, has expressed his determination to rectify the setbacks of the past season and guide Leicester City back to the Premier League. In his detailed response, he has emphasized that leading the club is a profound responsibility and that he is committed to learning from this season’s errors to ensure future success.

Srivaddhanaprabha reflected on the club’s journey from its Championship days to winning the Premier League in 2016, highlighting the resilience and unity that brought Leicester City remarkable achievements. Despite the recent relegation, he remains optimistic, recalling the club’s historic rise from being relegation favorites to Premier League champions. He spoke about the extraordinary experiences and milestones achieved, including their UEFA Champions League appearances and FA Cup victory, which underscore the progress Leicester City has made under his stewardship.

Addressing the criticism and abusive messages he has received, Srivaddhanaprabha condemned the harsh treatment from some fans who have urged him to sell the club. He contrasted this negativity with the supportive and constructive feedback from other supporters, which he values deeply. The chairman acknowledged the difficult nature of this past season but remains resolute in his belief that the club will recover and thrive once more.

Looking ahead, Srivaddhanaprabha outlined his commitment to using the support from fans to fuel Leicester City’s resurgence. He recognized that the upcoming season will be challenging but stressed the importance of unity and collaboration to overcome these obstacles. His pledge to channel the club’s collective strength into a determined effort to return to the Premier League reflects his unwavering dedication to the team and its supporters.

In closing, Srivaddhanaprabha reassured fans that Leicester City’s ambition remains intact and that the club will harness the positive energy and constructive criticism received to rebuild and succeed. His message was clear: while relegation is a setback, it will not define the club’s future. The chairman’s promise to invest his passion and effort into leading Leicester City back to the top tier of English football remains steadfast as the club prepares for the challenges ahead.

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