Arsenal head coach made a sad speech about the player who want to leave the club..

The player who wants to quit the club was the subject of a somber speech from Arsenal’s head coach.

I was showered with love from all of our fans, my teammates, and the staff, and I immediately felt like a member of the Arsenal family. Since then, that has only grown, and as I leave tonight, I have the lasting sensation that Arsenal is a team to love.

I have only experienced love from everyone at this club, and I can’t express how much it means to me as a player to be a part of such a community. Any player who had the privilege of donning the Arsenal badge is extremely lucky to have played in such a wonderful environment.

It’s been a wonderful 18 months here at Arsenal, but I feel like I’ve reached the point in my career when I need to start considering my future profession since I’m 31 years old. I must consider my future. Arsenal has given me everything, but right now I need a change in my life for personal reasons.

I’m overjoyed to have had the opportunity to represent this illustrious organization. Although I’m sorry to see my time with Arsenal come to an end, I’m going with nothing but fond memories and satisfaction at what we’ve been able to accomplish together. At this point, I couldn’t have asked for much more because I had the impression that this was a club with true professionalism and style.

Even if I already consider it, I know that when I eventually retire, I will reflect on my time at Arsenal and think, “Wow, I played for one of the greatest clubs in the world.” One day, when I’m elderly, I’ll tell all of my kids that I was a Champions League player for Arsenal. To say that makes me incredibly proud.

Although I have many wonderful memories from my time at Arsenal, including winning the Conti Cup against Chelsea, the one that really stands out to me is an incident that happened off the field. We entered the stadium after returning from our Copa America victory with the Lionesses.

training ground and everyone from the club was there to support us and say congratulations. That was a moment that will stay with me forever because it’s something that represents what this club is all about – class.


I would also like to take a moment to talk about my teammates. I love every single one of them. I came from China where I couldn’t talk to anyone, then I arrived here and suddenly I was surrounded by some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met with incredible talent and the biggest hearts. I’ve genuinely made friends for life and that’s one of the most important things for me to take away from my time here because in life it’s the people that you spend your time with that make it so special. I’m already looking forward to seeing them on international duty again, we’ll definitely be swapping shirts!

It’s really hard for me to leave this club because I know that this team is working towards something really special and I know they’re going to achieve so much next season, but this is something I have to do for myself. We’ve overcome so much as a group this season, always sticking together and always believing, so I know that anything is possible next season with that same mentality. I know they’re going to go even further and I can promise you that I’ll be watching every game next season on my TV and for years to come. Arsenal is part of my heart now and I’ll be back at Emirates Stadium soon.


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