The Arkansas Audubon Society offers a comprehensive checklist of the 428 bird species found in the state. This resource is crucial for bird enthusiasts and researchers, providing detailed records of species sightings, from common to rare. The list includes various categories such as ducks, geese, swans, and other waterfowl, along with notable rarities like the Tufted Duck and Garganey. Additionally, it covers a wide range of other birds, including grebes, pigeons, doves, cuckoos, and more.

Each species is listed with evidence codes indicating the level of verification, such as specimens, photos, or written documentation. For instance, the Snowy Owl is classified with high verification evidence, making it a notable entry for serious bird watchers. The checklist also highlights nesting and extinct species with specific color codes for easy identification.

Birding enthusiasts can explore this list to identify species in various habitats, from wetlands to forests. It also includes information on rare sightings and the role of the Bird Records Committee in verifying these records. This committee is essential for maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of bird sightings throughout Arkansas.

For those interested in specific types of birds, the checklist categorizes them into groups like woodpeckers, hawks, and warblers, offering a detailed overview of each category. This structure aids in both targeted birdwatching and general exploration of Arkansas’s avian diversity.

Overall, the Arkansas Audubon Society’s checklist serves as a valuable tool for both amateur and professional birders, providing a thorough guide to the state’s rich birdlife and ensuring that rare and noteworthy sightings are accurately recorded and reported.

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