USC Football: Trojans Revoke Beat Reporter’s Credential, Issue Suspension


USC Football: Trojans Revoke Beat Reporter's Credential, Issue Suspension -  Sports Illustrated USC Trojans News, Analysis and More

Just three games into his USC Trojans football club’s season, head coach Lincoln Riley is exerting his authority when it comes to what he will condone reporters covering this year.

According to The Orange County Register, first-year USC Trojans football beat writer Luca Evans, who writes for The Orange County Register and Southern California News Group, has apparently wound up on head coach Lincoln Riley’s bad side after a seemingly innocuous reporting about a friendly interaction between two Trojans players in this Wednesday piece. Evans has been suspended from his new beat for USC’s next two games.

In its article breaking the news (written by an anonymous staffer), The Register reveals that Ryan had previously complained to Southern California News Group editors that he was frustrated Evans had asked a question after a presser had ended and had spoke with coaches and players in parts of the USC campus that weren’t designated media areas. These seem like fairly small quibbles, but if Riley is looking to comprehensively control the narrative about his program and limit interesting pieces being published beyond straight stats, it could provide something of a chilling effect on more introspective, player- and coach-focused pieces by other writers.

The Southern California News Group took umbrage with the suspension happening at all, writing to USC Athletic Director Jennifer Cohen and USC President Carol Folt on Monday that, “in football parlance, USC is looking to kick him out of multiple games for a false start. We ask that this suspension be rescinded immediately.”

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